WebRTC Expert Feature

August 02, 2019

This Tech Uses Cell Signals to Help Drivers Not Run Over Pedestrians

Present-day car safety technology is right about warning drivers before they hit other cars. The startup has added new tech that warns drivers before they hit people. This tech is as valuable as having a bonus for online casinos in NJ, though in a different way. It promotes third party safety in a very convenient way and also saves the driver a lot of stress.

Most standard car crash scenario happens when pedestrian edges near an intersection hidden from an approaching driver by trees or buildings and unexpectedly emerge from nowhere. It’s hard for the driver to stop in time. The problem can’t be avoided even with the new sensors on vehicles since a person at the back of a building isn’t visible by the driver, let alone the sensor.

However, the new technology, now in development, aims to use phones to help. The tech uses new AI – developed to be implanted in cars and phones – to anticipate an accident before it happens. According to the CEO of Visciblezone, the Israel-based startup creating the technology, they have a mathematical version that dwells in mobile phones that can predict human behaviors a few seconds ahead.

 When a pedestrian is in danger, the phone quickly starts transmitting a beacon to the surrounding area. If there is an oncoming vehicle, it receives the signal and uses more artificial intelligence to assess risk, and in cases where an accident is likely to happen, the car pings the driver with a warning.

The CEO further states that this technology makes use of the fact that most pedestrians have their mobile phones with them. Ironically, mobile phones can directly cause accidents. According to a survey, almost half of adult drivers admitted to emailing and texting while driving, while younger drivers were more likely to text. However, the ubiquity of mobile phones could make them a more useful device in a warning system.

The company’s perception isn’t to provide an app but to gift this software to mobile phone manufacturers to implant in their firmware, so it’s accessible to everyone. On the other hand, car manufacturers will pay to install the same software in the operating system of their cars. Moreover, the tech doesn’t require changes in hardware, so it can begin operating immediately. It’s also functional without a cellular connection – by instantly transmitting a signal between the car and the phone – a vital feature in areas with overloaded networks causing a delay.

Some cities have started installing cameras that can fulfill the same function of forewarning drivers if cars have matching technology inside. Although they exist in a handful of places, and a system that is compatible with phones could work anywhere, from streets in town to rural roads with no allocation for new infrastructure. But it’s only useful if drivers pay attention to the warnings, so the developer worked to build algorithms that only send notifications if it’s necessary.

It’s only one element of a solution for eradicating accidents since pedestrians are also likely to be hit by cars if streets are poorly designed. Although it could be useful as the rate of pedestrian death keep on rising. Even in cities with ‘Vision Zero’ goals of completely doing away with traffic deaths, the number of accidents keeps growing. The tech is believed to fill a significant gap in pedestrian safety.

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