WebRTC Expert Feature

July 11, 2018

Ediscovery Best Practices: Map All of Your Data Streams

There is always that period and time that a business will have to face a legal matter. So if you're a business how ready are you if you are faced with such a situation? The first thing ever to do to get ready for a litigation process is to map up all data. It doesn’t matter whether you love playing the Hollywood casino in your free time, you need to ensure that your business data is protected first!

The Top Steps to Make Ediscovery Easier

The first stage involves preserving all data. As a business owner, you are supposed to be aware of the Electronically Stored Information(ESI) of your business. If you are not aware of this, you may be in trouble. There are chances that your business has their ESI stored in different locations and there might be just new data being "dug up".

How to Go About Data Mapping?

Data mapping involves mapping sources of data from different locations of your business. A company can simply map their data through spreadsheets as long as they have an inventory of where the data is created and stored.The first thing you have to do is to identify all the sources where your business is creating data. This can be in your computer, laptop, phone, local server, emails, cloud apps and even social media platforms.

Secondly, try and identify where each ESI is stored. It is good to remember that the data may be stored in on-site servers or individual computers. If your company has a bring-your-own-device policy it will be crucial to also include them. Information can also be stored in obsolete computer systems.

For example old emails that were used in the past maybe before the company transitioned. Always keep in mind to ensure that also that information transitioned into the new system.

The Top Tips to Help You
You should also keep track of the people who have access to the data.

It is also crucial to note the volume of data in each location.

  • Remember the purpose of the data.
  • All the dates that are associated to the data.

Some tips that should be followed when mapping data and ESI include:

  • In your business establish the most common that has to build up your business. This is crucial since it will help one identify all the business knowledge. 
  • Always update the data mappings and keep track of your business knowledge. 
  • As a business owner, establish a good working environment for other people. This will make them trust you so that if any of them comes up with a new data streaming application they will let you know. 

Always make a comprehensive map of your data plan. This involves all listing all sources that store and create data not only in the place of work but all around. This will surely help you and your company be ready for any litigation.

Enforce new policies about creating new applications so that the workforce doesn't go behind your back. 

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