Qumu won the 2018 WebRTC Product of the Year Award making the headlines. Qumu is the company to provide the technology behind the peer to peer video communication tool known as Qumu WebRTC extension.
The award was presented jointly by Internet Telephony Magazine, WebRTC World and TMC to five leading firms in the market that have displayed sheer innovation in the realm of WebRTC. The other firms to have been honored by the awards include IT Management Corp., Hubgets, VirtualPBX and BlueJeans Network.
How is WebRTC Going to Make a Difference?
It promises to help build a much stronger communication platform that aims to build on communication needs for both individuals and businesses. It doesn’t matter whether you are looking to have that important meeting or just talking to your friend, you wouldn’t want interruptions.
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Who is It For?
The Qumu WebRTC extension is meant for enterprises and brings a level of ease in the video calling and conferencing market. Enterprises won’t have to pay significant upfront charges for any software- nor there is need to install anything. The extension works for browsers and users can take help of any browser to use the program. The application is supported by Chrome, Opera, Microsoft and Apple browsers out of the box and users don’t need to install any plugins.
The extension can be accessed from computers, mobiles and tablets and any device that has a browser makes the count. This enables employees to work on the go- they can communicate and collaborate irrespective of location.
As it’s a browser extension and doesn’t need any extra installations, enterprises will be able to implement it quickly. The solution is also made firewall friendly and the IT team won’t have to fiddle with the computer settings. Qumu's WebRTC can be implemented out of the box and depends on TCP protocol instead of using UDP. All the communication is exchanged via the standard 443 port which makes it as per business security standards and enables hassle free browser to browser communication.
How is it important?
CEO and president of Qumu, Vern Hanzlik said that WebRTC has not been given due importance for enterprise peer to peer video communication in favor of plugins. But the Flash is soon to reach its end-of-life and there was a need of a network and firewall friendly technique to share video on a browser to browser basis. He also added that they consider the solution as just another protocol to handle and it has the potential to change unified communications in a dramatic way. The application will enable enterprises to conduct peer to peer multimedia communication in a easier and pervasive way.
The company website of has released more information about the Qumu WebRTC extension in a recent article and video. You can head to Qumu website for further reading.