WebRTC World Feature Article Free eNews Subscription

April 17, 2014

WebRTC Expert Phil Edholm to Speak at CX Hot Trends Symposium

A new technology known as WebRTC is seeing huge momentum in the industry. And that could create great new opportunities for enterprises both within their contact centers operations and beyond.

That’s the word from Phil Edholm, president and principal at PKE Consulting LLC. and UC Strategies.com, the featured speaker of the “WebRTC in the Enterprise” session from 9:45 to 10:30am on Wednesday, June 4, at the CX Hot Trends Symposium in Indianapolis.

WebRTC, a technology pioneered by Google, takes the components of a typical VoIP media engine into a browser or any other peer endpoint with a simple API that a Web server can control, explains Edholm. That description may seem rather dry to the non-techies out there, so Edholm here illuminates what that could mean.

“The thing that is really exciting about WebRTC is that, in addition to enabling a website to [allow] two peer endpoints to begin a rich media session (voice, video, data, etc.) with a relatively simple set of instructions, WebRTC is the initial technology showing the change coming in the industry, the webification of communications.”

Webification, Edholm elaborates, will free millions of web servers to manage a succession of independent communications events, each tuned to the specific needs and requirements of the event.

“Just as we all have hundreds of different Web information experiences monthly, each web communications experience can be defined by the suite hosting the event,” he says.

During his speech at CX Hot Trends Symposium, Edholm will discuss the impact of WebRTC on the modern enterprise, explain how it will be used in the contact center and across the enterprise setting, and suggest what companies should look for to affect a prudent migration path to the integration of this new technology.

“WebRTC applications will both delight and amaze us. While many WebRTC implementations will be extensions of existing communications solutions, many will emerge that will use WebRTC to deliver communications in contexts we have yet to imagine,” adds Edholm. “The change of communications from a separate service or capability to being integrated with applications and other activities will become obvious. With this we will see the emergence of asymmetrical communications solutions where the experience is different dependent on the role of each individual.”

Want to learn more about the latest in WebRTC? Be sure to attend WebRTC Conference & Expo, June 17-19 in Atlanta, Ga. Stay in touch with everything happening at the event -- follow us on Twitter.

Edited by Stefania Viscusi
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