WebRTC World Feature Article Free eNews Subscription

August 13, 2014

Six Key Benefits of WebRTC That You Need to Know

Disruptive technologies are changing the face of real-time communications, especially including Web real-time communications, or WebRTC. Today’s  ITEXPO panel, “The Economics of WebRTC,” presented by Doug Green, editor and publisher of “Telecom Reseller,” explored the potential of WebRTC and why thought leaders are looking at it to heighten business processes. The panel was presented as part of the SIP Trunking, UC and WebRTC seminars at ITEXPO 2014, taking place now through August 14 at The Rio in Las Vegas.

In an environment today where nearly 2.5 billion of 7 billion people are Internet-connected and there are nearly 7 billion mobile phone connections— 2 billion of which are broadband—the potential for WebRTC is truly limitless. In fact, research shows that by the end of 2016 there will be almost 4 billion WebRTC-enabled PCs alone.

The panel opened the conversational floodgates by posing the question, “Is WebRTC the destroyer of worlds?” According to Green that is not case, which leads us to ask the question: If WebRTC is not necessarily destructive, can it be innovative? WebRTC provides ample value add for those businesses looking to build off of its potential, meaning there is certainly room for ingenuity. But its ability to be a creative lens is just one advantage of WebRTC. Green presented six other key competitive advantages of the technology:

1.It’s free: “WebRTC is democratic,” said Green. “It is accessible and, even better, it’s not charging fees.”

2.Platform and device independent: Green explained that, because it is a browser-based technology and platform and device independent, WebRTC is simple to use and relatively easy to program.

3.Advanced voice and video quality: Video is one of the most exciting aspects of WebRTC as it grows and sophisticates, making the technology even more appealing. For example, think of customer service and agent-customer communications.

4.Secure voice and video: At the same time, however, WebRTC also provides secure voice and video. It is in this way that you can really have the best of both worlds—security and incomparable quality.

5.Adaptive to network conditions: Due to the flexible, browser-based nature of WebRTC, the technology is adaptive to a wide array of network conditions—a huge competitive advantage.

6.Interoperability with VoIP and UC solutions: Last but certainly not least is that WebRTC is interoperable with VoIP and unified communications solutions, meaning it can be seamlessly integrated into virtually any company’s existing technology infrastructure. In other words, you can be in the WebRTC business in mere minutes.

WebRTC is the way of the future. What are you seeing in the WebRTC space? Share with us in the comments section below.

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