Real-time engagement solutions play an important role in the direction of communications today. Not only are users looking to communicate faster and better, but they want to be able to do it instantly and via mobile or the Web.
Market research firm ABI has predicted there will be 4.7 billion mobile WebRTC devices by 2018.
CafeX, a platinum sponsor of the upcoming WebRTC Conference & Expo, is already keeping pace with the market and provides enterprise software for adding video communication and screen sharing to mobile apps and websites. More specifically, its technology can translate Internet-based real-time interactions into a format that is supported by video endpoints, IP phones, soft clients and hardware like kiosks, ATMs and even wearable devices.
The demand for mobile and Web live engagement is increasing along with pressure from customers looking for businesses that deliver these capabilities.
In line with this, CafeX has announced it recently expanded its channel of international resellers, managed service providers and has increased partnerships with collaboration vendors so they can now offer the company’s WebRTC-based Live Assist and Omnichannel solutions.
For companies, this means being able to have contextual engagement and offer a more personalized customer experience. According to the company, six of the world's top banks are rolling out enhanced customer engagement solutions that are powered by CafeX technology and retailers, CRM vendors and insurance companies in the UC are also already on board.
Some of the newest partnerships announced by the company include: World Wide Technology, Inc. (WWT), Presidio, eLoyalty (a TeleTech company), Shore Group, IVCi, LANcom Networks Group, Data Consult, and ESolz.
Sajeel Hussain, chief marketing officer at CafeX said, "CafeX is delighted that it has reached agreements with numerous partners and resellers in the past few months. We continue to reach out to a range of businesses and partners that are looking to enhance customer engagement and satisfaction through innovation and live interaction built on the strength of a growing patent portfolio. We recognize that there is a growing demand for our technologies, and we are focused on expanding our sales channel to satisfy these opportunities."
Edited by
Maurice Nagle