WebRTC World Feature Article Free eNews Subscription

August 03, 2016

REVE-ling in Real Time

Primarily based in Singapore, with development teams in India and Bangladesh, REVE Systems has carved out a niche in mobile VoIP, SIP and the much hyped WebRTC. The firm has a presence in 11 countries, and is poised to push further. In May, REVE put its real time solutions on display at International Telecom Week (ITW), and this week the real time solution provider joins the group of real time aficionados at Real Time Web Solutions.

At Real Time Web Solutions, I had the opportunity to sit down with Ronak Shah, Assistant General Manager at REVE. Shah shined a spotlight on today, and offered a sneak peek at what we can expect from the real time solution provider tomorrow.

WebRTC offers much opportunity, and for REVE one of its first major steps was the release of its WebRTC gateway, and in short-order its WebRTC platform.  By leveraging its WebRTC knowhow, it looks to move deeper in the space moving forward.

Shah walked me through what REVE is capable of providing, utilizing a couple use cases to illustrate. REVE is working with a client in the United Kingdom that sells contact center software throughout Europe. The software company desired to add WebRTC on top of its existing solution, and in putting REVE expertise to work, the client can now offer call centers a WebRTC component that “provides a contextual and personalized conversation.”

From the telco side, REVE is working with a tier 2 telco in Russia to develop a WebRTC-based video conferencing solution. Most tier 2s simply don’t have the R&D expertise to create this type of solution; REVE steps in and puts the pieces together.

Shah teased an offering expected to launch at the end of this month. The product: KloudTalk, a tool to improve online website engagement by providing a browser based support center offering voice and video communications. In “traditional” WebRTC communications, one party will call another party, but if the second party is not online the call cannot take place. Using its background in mobile, REVE’s solution ensures the agent is always available by seamlessly transferring the session to the offline party’s smartphone. For the contact center, this means the agent is always available.

With its growing adoption and use cases comes increased competition, as Shah put it, “There are not many in the space that combine SIP and WebRTC, and provide a complete communications experience.” And one of the upcoming stops on the product roadmap for REVE is a SDK. It is currently in development, and will provide the type of foundation necessary to build an exceptional WebRTC solution.

It is easy to wax poetic on the many virtues of WebRTC, but far more satisfying to see this burgeoning arena of development put to work. 

Edited by Alicia Young
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