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November 24, 2017

W3C Offers WebRTC Work Update

The World Wide Web Consortium has published WebRTC 1.0 as a W3C Candidate Recommendation. The group says that sends “a strong signal about stability of the API.”

It took about six years to get to this point, W3C says. It involved a collaborative effort between itself, the IETF, and its RTCWeb Working Group. That work led to the development of a protocol stack that underlies all the operations exposed by the JavaScript API. It enables WebRTC Web applications to interoperate with native WebRTC apps and with existing communication systems, such as those based on the SIP standard.

“The resulting API likely represents one of the most complex sub-system exposed to the Web platform today,” W3C said.

Now, those involved in this effort will shift their attention to interoperability.

WP3 notes that “projects such as adapter.js have helped insulate developers from some of the inconsistencies between browsers; our goal is to bring all browsers to the same level.”

Work to date on its associated test suite, and the newly released dedicated open source engine to facilitate cross-browser testing of WebRTC will help move that work forward.

The group also aims to:

Improve the main WebRTC 1.0 API as gains more implementation experience,

Finalize the designs associated specifications to help managing media streams (recording, page and screen sharing),

Research and report on what additional functions will be required going forward.

WebRTC is a technology that enables real-time communications to more easily be embedded into existing and new applications. The fact that it can work using the most popular browsers and without plug-ins makes WebRTC-based applications and websites easy for people of any technical skill level to use.

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