A new way to communicate via the Internet may be coming soon to you. It’s based on a standard whose story began two years ago when representatives from some of the biggest stakeholders in technology, including Apple, Cisco, Microsoft, Mozilla, Opera and Skype, sat down together to develop the standard now known as WebRTC, which is expected to be a new way to allow real-time video, audio, and data communication come together via an Internet browser. The goal was to create a way to allow developers with little to no knowledge of telephony protocols to add communications capabilities to Web-based operations.
While the stakeholders are still tinkering with the WebRTC standard, the general public will likely get a preview of it in the next few months with the release of updates on two popular browsers, according to ieee Spectrum. In November, Google is expected to release the next version of the Chrome browser, and in January, Mozilla will introduce an update of its Firefox browser. Both will include WebRTC capabilities.
The two updated browsers are expected to allow developers to capture media from the camera and microphone on a gadget and then send it to a browser on another machine, greatly simplifying the development of communications apps.
“When most people think about WebRTC, they think about being able to make calls and video chat in the browser, but it’s really more fundamental than that,” said Jose de Castro, CTO of Voxeo Labs, the R&D arm of VoIP company Voxeo, which is helping to edit the standard.
The opportunities are broader than that, says de Castro. WebRTC can be combined with other technologies such as facial recognition and 2-D or 3-D graphics, which will allow developers to build a wide variety of products based on the standard, including baby monitors, security systems and interactive games.
Are you interested in learning more about WebRTC Communications? Then be sure to attend WebRTC Conference and Expo in San Francisco, Calif. from November 27-29. Stay in touch with everything happening at WebRTC Expo: Follow us on Twitter.
Edited by
Brooke Neuman