For every business that adopts “bring your own device” (BYOD), dozens more scoff at the system, albeit not necessarily for lousy reasons. Lack of control of their employees is one, compatibility is another.
But as mobile developers bridge the gaps between the several operating systems out there – and turn each machine into more than just a platform for the “existing phone call,” according to Geoff Hollingworth at Ericsson – the idea of a more integrated mobile environment can sway the opinions of executives and consumers alike.
Ericsson North America now boasts its latest contribution to the WebRTC movement – an industry set to grow by over 35 percent by 2016 – with the IMS Innovation Platform, an interface designed to change the perceptions of consumers on the market for a new product by widening the application of these personal devices.
“Reading, transcribing, contextualizing, translating, on any connected device, using people's existing phone number - all are just the beginnings of possibility," said Hollingworth, head of Business Innovation, Ericsson North America.
One of those possibilities is in the pipeline for Volvo, with which Ericsson is working to create a “Connected Vehicle Cloud” that syncs with a driver’s personal data via cloud directly on his/her car’s dashboard. Ericsson president and CEO, Hans Vestberg, gave attendees of CES 2013 a preview of its plans in Las Vegas two weeks ago.
Another is in AT&T, which has employed Ericsson to provide verification services for the company’s Global SIM Program, currently in development.
The carrier has already begun using Ericsson’s IMS Innovation Platform for its Call Management API, which allows application programming interfaces (API) to come to market more quickly through the types of cooperation among developers Ericsson is currently working on.
Ericsson saw a relative decrease in revenue in the last quarter of 2012, but is still headed for promise with additional investments in Unwired Planet and Avicii. As consumers open up to new systems, and companies to things like BYOD, that promise will only multiply.
Edited by
Rachel Ramsey