The reason WebRTC is seeing such a growth in a short period of time is it offers incredible opportunities to businesses, small and large, without investing large amounts of money. In the past, if you wanted to offer a personalized customer service for your business it meant a large investment. With this platform, it is possible to implement voice and video-enabled websites that let your customers interact with you anytime without plugins to download and install on your PC and mobile device. Any business can start offering personalized service to their customers and be available all the time, whether you are in your office or home or on your mobile device.
Depending who you ask, WebRTC is seen as blessing or a curse. Companies that provide Web-based communication services see it as something that could potentially destroy their business model. VoIP and videoconferencing companies will be facing incredible challenges with their pricing structure when WebRTC is fully adopted and available to everyone.
Small businesses that could not afford personalized customer service see it as a blessing because it gives them the opportunity to offer the same type of services previously reserved only for large enterprises. Imagine if you are selling or providing a service that you know everything about and a customer wants an explanation. When they scroll over a particular area on your website, you or one your representatives would be contacted and with audio and video you can start interacting with the customer. This type of value cannot be understated for a business, especially if it is a business with a special niche.
This format has grown tremendously in the past 18 months and when the Worldwide Web Consortium (W3C) adopts it, developers will make it standard on every website. When fully implemented, it will give businesses the ability to make calls on the Internet, Web-based video for any enterprise, lower IT costs related to communications and the ability to offer personalized customer service.
The adoption by Google and Opera, and more recently by Firefox, means this platform has the biggest players in the industry supporting this technology. Although WebRTC is not the only format that makes this technology possible, it is the only one that makes it incredibly cheap and easy to adapt, which is why many experts see it as the platform to watch in the coming years.
Apple and Microsoft have their own platforms and they are not going to adopt the platform as quickly as the other companies. Safari and Internet Explorer will eventually have to concede because WebRTC will be a big part of HTML5.
Companies that offer WebRTC solutions will be the biggest winners in the future of this technology. Even though it is easy to implement, using the platform with expertise will require time most people don’t have. Thrupoint is a company that provides WebRTC related solutions, and it integrates this technology so organizations can incorporate business applications for B2B and B2C interactions from the office or mobile.
The benefit of using companies, such as Thrupoint, that specialize in this platform is they provide the security that is need in today’s online communication. The fact that WebRTC is free and any one can use it means there will be a lot of opportunity for exploitation. If you don’t have the right experts guiding you through the process, you can jeopardize the safety of your company and that of your customers.
WebRTC will be a great tool for all devices across all platforms, but it is still a work in progress and all the features are still not available. This means there is a lot of potential for disruption if you don’t know what you are doing, and that is why using Thrupoint can help overcome some of the initial hurdles until you learn how to use the technology with proficiency.
Edited by
Rachel Ramsey