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November 19, 2013

Videxio Looks to Augment Its Product Line with WebRTC Support

A recent report pointed to Videxio as one of the newest firms to add Web-based real time communications (WebRTC) capability to its line of products.  A closer look taken at some of the offerings showed off just what kind of power WebRTC actually has in the field in bringing users together and how effectively those contacts can be made using a system run easily through common Web browsers.

One of Videxio's main products is a virtual meeting room system, which works—as WebRTC products commonly do— entirely from a Web browser. Reports suggest that the product works extremely well, offering a high-quality experience that's free from both video and audio hiccups, making it a professional-grade product for those looking to take advantage of video and voice conferencing systems. The meeting room system is available on a subscription basis, making it readily accessible to those who need a quick way to talk to other users, even remotely. Of course, the Videxio meeting room solution also includes support for both Microsoft Lync and standard telephony systems, complete with dial-in instructions, so WebRTC really just takes an already accessible product and opens up the field still further.

Perhaps even better for those looking for such a conference room system is that the subscription rates vary according to the expected level of use. There's a “pay as you go” system that provides users access for a monthly fee with a per minute rate for maximum flexibility. Those on a tighter budget, meanwhile, can buy in at shared-minute rates, picking up a package of minutes used starting at 2,000 minutes and going on from there. There are also individual event rates for events up to 80 participants, available at an hourly rate but requiring advance booking.

Reports suggest that users are very comfortable with the WebRTC system, which makes sense in light of the fact that users have been calling into remote conferences for years before this. So, moving the whole process to a Web browser isn't exactly a huge leap. In fact, Videxio's CEO, Tom-Erik Lia, pointed out a noteworthy comparison between Videxio's offering and the recent goings-on in the rental video industry. While the basic product—both conferencing and home video—was popular alone, what Videxio is looking to do in the market is much the same as what Netflix did: offer that popular product in a different way, making video conferencing more than a travel replacement, but rather a complete everyday experience.

Though certainly, WebRTC's use as a travel substitute is a sound one—prices aren't getting any lower for travel, though it's often not recommended that all travel should be replaced with video conferencing measures like WebRTC—it's not the only way that WebRTC can find use. Communicating within the company, with different divisions and the like, is also viable here. WebRTC also has a powerful application for the remote workforce concept; fast and easy meetings help keep geographically spread-out workers on track much more easily.

WebRTC is rapidly showing its sheer usefulness in a host of applications on a regular basis, and we're likely to only see more applications for this technology as time goes on. We may well all one day be communicating with our offices via WebRTC technology or similar measures—some believe the Xbox One has serious potential as a business machine thanks to this development and others like it—and that's going to make for a future workforce that looks very different from the one we know.



Edited by Blaise McNamee






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