With ITEXPO 2014 just hours away—under 24 of same now, in fact—excitement is building around the event and more and more companies' plans for the show are likewise becoming known. One of the newest to make the scene is Web-based real time communications (WebRTC) company Priologic, who plans to bring its EasyRTC software to the show to show off just how simple it can be to make apps for the growing WebRTC market.
EasyRTC is comprised of three separate components that work together to make developing WebRTC apps simpler and easier to handle. Specifically, it brings together a JavaScript API, working source code in several languages, and a scalable backend signaling server that can be set out on several different platforms from Linux and Mac OS X to Windows. This combination of factors allows for simpler WebRTC coding—it also helps cover some of the differences in implementation between the various browsers that use WebRTC, like Chrome, Firefox and Opera—as well as the ability to modify current apps. The backend server, meanwhile, allows for maximum versatility in deployment.
The EasyRTC server, meanwhile, can be downloaded and installed into current systems in around three minutes, according to reports, owing largely to the fact that it's built on Node.js. The JavaScript base used for EasyRTC allows for one language to be used across entire systems, and can even be used to keep server side events separate by instead setting off JavaScript functions hidden from the end user. EasyRTC even offers up all the necessary source code under a BSD2 open source license, thus allowing the building block code to be available to those interested. For those less code-inclined, Priologic also offers licensing for pre-built apps, including tawk.com, and offers several extensions to make EasyRTC even better.
Meanwhile, those interested in getting better acquainted with not only EasyRTC, but also Priologic itself can do so by checking out the action at booth 514M in the Enterprise WebRTC Pavilion at ITEXPO, running January 28 – 31 at the Miami Beach Convention Center. Additionally, those who can't make the show can check out the action on EasyRTC's website.
The growth and development of WebRTC as a whole means there's a lot of opportunity in the market for companies like Priologic to offer solutions specifically geared toward this field. Indeed, reports from Doug Pelton, the CEO of Priologic, show just how far this market has to go. Pelton noted “We're seeing rapid uptake of WebRTC technology, not just in the U.S., but worldwide. We've got a large number of EasyRTC downloads and around 5,000 of our EasyRTC servers are deployed, we're increasing at 10 percent per month.” That's a market that's clearly eager to get hands on this technology, and is likewise eager to put it into practice. Priologic's offering, which makes such moves easier overall, is a great boost to the market, and one that will likely prove profitable not only for Priologic but for its users as well. We've got plenty of video on that, and several other subjects, at this link.
The ITEXPO event will show off a lot of new products coming to the market, as well as discuss how the market itself is growing and changing. Priologic's offering is going to be a big part of this, but will only be one part, and getting to the ITEXPO event will likely prove a huge event for anyone involved in communications technology.
Edited by
Cassandra Tucker