WebRTC World Feature Article Free eNews Subscription

April 12, 2016

CafeX's Dave Phillips: Don't Underestimate WebRTC in Business

Web-based real time communications (WebRTC) is a technology that's had a lot of terrific implications for a while now, but when it comes to execution, the results haven't always been compelling. CafeX Communications' managing director, Dave Phillips, is set to turn that around with an upcoming discussion on the business benefits of WebRTC.

Phillips' upcoming discussion will focus on the value companies have realized by putting its Live Assist program—which draws on WebRTC for a lot of its operational backbone—to work, particularly when it comes to insurance and financial firms. It won't just be about the positive benefits; Phillips is also set to talk about the challenges that businesses have faced with WebRTC deployments and strategy development. Here, he'll focus on one CafeX product, the Chime video collaboration system, to demonstrate how simple a WebRTC setup can be.

Early word about expectations for the discussion came from Alan Quayle Business & Service Development owner Alan Quayle, who noted “CafeX is instrumental to building momentum for enterprise WebRTC adoption. I am looking forward to Dave participating on this panel, providing our audience with an opportunity to benefit from CafeX’s experiences. It is always interesting to hear the lessons learned from those working at the coal-face of delivering innovations that impact enterprise business operations world-wide.”

WebRTC's value can range from the super-simple, the ability to connect a couple of users via a Web browser, to the ultra-complex, using Web browsers to deliver entire webinars or similar broadcast speeches. It can be a part of a video conferencing system, it can connect users within and without, and it has a great possibility to improve internal collaboration, which makes new opportunities potentially reachable. It also can save costs by reducing business travel; who needs to hop a flight and set up hotel stays when users can just connect via a technology working from a Web browser? When a technology works both sides of the profit fence—raising revenue and lowering expenses—it should be much wider-used. However, issues of implementation have slowed down advancement and made it tough to justify, even with the clear potential benefits. The more we do with this technology, the better we'll get at putting it to use, and the more likely we'll all be to see benefits.

That's a point Dave Phillips will likely be working to turn around, and he'll hardly be alone. WebRTC really does have great potential for the wider market, and as we learn from our mistakes and work toward optimized deployment, the end results should finally look like the potential the market has to offer.

Edited by Stefania Viscusi
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