WebRTC World Feature Article Free eNews Subscription

February 12, 2013

Layer 7 and Voxeo Create Joint Solution for API Creation and Management

If you’re at Mobile World Congress 2013, keep an eye out for Layer 7’s booth, which will be demonstrating a new joint solution created by Voxeo Labs and Layer 7 Technologies. It combines Voxeo’s Tropo and Phono APIs with Layer 7’s API Management Platform, providing a turnkey solution that helps customers get to market quickly and affordably.

The joint solution shows how the Layer 7 API gateway can be used to publish, manage and secure Tropo and Phono APIs. The Developer Portal can be used to provision and configure the services with ease, while one can also add Layer 7’s security and policy control to the APIs.

Voxeo’s Tropo helps developers make calls and text messages from any Web or mobile application. Its Phono is a jQuery plug-in that can turn Web browsers into WebRTC-enabled multichannel communications platforms, with all communication handled by Vozeo Labs.

Layer 7’s API Management Suite provides Telcos with whatever they need for the exposal and management of APIs, and the building of third-party applications. Together with Voxeo’s solutions, one can create and manage their APIs with a new level of ease and efficiency.

“Carriers are embracing APIs as a vehicle to enable the App economy,” says Dimitri Sirota, Layer 7’s CMO. “Tropo from Voxeo Labs gives Telcos a way to inject voice and text services directly into the Apps that will drive consumer and business innovation. Layer 7’s API Management platform provides Tropo customers a carrier grade way of managing the APIs and presenting the APIs to both consumer and enterprise developer communities.”

The joint solution is a great tool for API creation and management, as the two companies have managed to combine their solutions splendidly. They go together like peanut butter and jelly, creating a solution that many are sure to find useful.

Edited by Rachel Ramsey
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